Ikhodi | Igama |
YHE010020 | Isekhondi elilula le-squamous epithelium. |
YHE010030 | I-Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium sec. |
YHE010040 | I-epithelium yesikhashana(vesica urinaris relaxing) sec. |
YHE010041 | I-epithelium yesikhashana(vesica urinaris dilating) sec. |
YHE010050 | Isekhondi elilula le-cuboidal epithelium. |
YHE010060 | I-stratified squamous epithelium sec. |
YHE010080 | Isekholamu elula ye-columnar ciliated epithelium sec. |
YHE020010 | Izicubu ezixhumekile ezixegayo ze-WM |
YHE020030 | Isekhondi lezicubu ezixhumene eziminyene. |
YHE020040 | I-fat tissue sec. |
YHE020060 | I-Hyaline cartilage sec. |
YHE020070 | Isekhondi le-Fibrous cartilage. |
YHE020080 | I-Elastic cartilage sec. |
YHE020110 | Ithambo eliqinile le-Bull TS(thionin-picric acid staining) |
YCG020040 | Igazi le-Human smear(RE) |
YCG020050 | Igazi le-Human smear (eligcotshwe nge-Giemsa) |
YHE030010 | Imisipha ebushelelezi ihlukaniswe i-WM |
YHE030030 | I-WM ye-skeletal muscle ihlukanisiwe |
YHE030080 | I-Cardiac muscle sec. |
YHE030090 | I-cardiac muscle sec.(i-hematoxylin staining). |
YHE040010 | Umgogodla we-Bull smear. |
YHE040020 | Ama-neurcyte ahlukaniswe i-WM |
YHE040030 | Intambo yomgogodla TS(HE) |
YHE040060 | I-Myelinated nerve fiber TS&L.S.(HE) |
YHE040060 | Motor end plate WM(igolide chloride.staining). |
YHE040070 | I-Tactile corpuscle sec. |
YHE040080 | I-Lamellar corpuscle sec. |
YHE040090 | I-Cerebrum of Horse sec. |
YHE040101 | I-Cerebrum of Rabbit sec.(i-silver staining) |
YHE040110 | I-Cerebellum of Rabbit sec.(HE) |
YHE040120 | Cerebellum of Horse isekhondi. |
YHE040140 | Umgogodla we-ganglion sec. |
YHE040190 | I-Sciatic nerve ye-Pig TS kanye ne-LS |
YHE040250 | Isiqu sezinzwa TS kanye ne-LS(i-silver staining). |
YHE050020 | Inhliziyo Yezimvu sec. |
YHE050040 | Umthambo ophakathi nendawo kanye nesekhondi lomthambo.(HE) |
YHE050050 | I-artety yosayizi omaphakathi kanye ne-vein nezinzwa TS |
YHE050070 | Umthambo omkhulu TS |
YHE050080 | Umthamo omkhulu we-TS |
YHE020050 | Ingxenye ye-lymph node ye-reticular. |
YHE050120 | I-Purkinje fiber sec. |
YHE060010 | Lymphoid node sec. |
YHE060050 | Isekhondi lobubende. |
YHE060090 | I-Thymus of Chicken sec. |
YHE060100 | I-Palatine tonsil sec. |
YHE070010 | I-thyroid gland isekhondi. |
YHE070050 | Indlala yegilo yeHorse sec. |
YHE070070 | I-Adrenal gland sec. |
YHE070090 | I-Hypophysis yengulube sec. |
YHE070100 | Amaseli e-Parafollicular wegland yegilo sec.(i-silver staining) |
YHE070110 | I-Parathyroid gland yengulube sec. |
YHE070180 | I-Pituitary sec. |
YHE080020 | I-Esophagus TS |
YHE080040 | I-Cardiasetion yesisu sec. |
YHE080070 | I-Corpus ventriculi isekhondi. |
YHE080090 | Jejunum sec. |
YHE080120 | Ingxenye ye-pylorus yesisu sec. |
YHE080130 | Isekhondi le-Duodenum. |
YHE080150 | Ileum sec. |
YHE080180 | Ikholoni isekhondi. |
YHE080210 | I-Parotid gland sec. |
YHE080220 | I-submaxillary gland ye-Sheep sec. |
YHE080230 | I-sublingual gland isekhondi. |
YHE080240 | Isibindi se-Pig sec. |
YHE080270 | Isibindi sikaRabbit (imithambo yegazi ejovwe nge-gelatin enemibala) sec. |
YHE080270 | I-Bile canaliculus ye-Pig's sec yesibindi.(i-silver staining) |
YHE080310 | I-Gall bladder sec. |
YHE080320 | Ama-pancreas sec. |
YHE080400 | Ulimi Lomuntu LS(bonisa isakhiwo sangaphakathi) |
YHE090010 | I-Larynx sec. |
YHE090020 | I-Trachea TS |
YHE090040 | Isekhondi lamaphaphu. |
YHE090060 | Isekhondi lamaphaphu.(imithambo yegazi ejovwe nge-gelatin enemibala) |
YHE090080 | Isigaba se-Epiglottic cartilage sagittal |
YHE100010 | Izinso sec. |
YHE100020 | Isinye sesinye(sikhululekile) isekhondi. |
YHE100030 | Ureter TS |
YHE100070 | Izinso Zomuntu sec. |
YHE110010 | Amasende kaNogwaja sec. |
YHE110050 | Umthondo umzuzwana. |
YHE110070 | Amasende embuzi sec. |
YHE110130 | I-ovary of Rabbit sec. |
YHE110140 | I-ovary yegundane isekhondi. |
YHE110150 | I-Corpus luteum sec. |
YHE110420 | I-Ampulla ye-uterine tube ye-Human TS |
YHE110160 | Isibeletho sikaRabbit sec. |
YHE110170 | Isibeletho(proliferative phase) sec. |
YHE110180 | Isibeletho(isigaba sesecretory) sec. |
YHE110230 | I-Mammary gland(isigaba esisebenzayo) isekhondi. |
YHE110310 | Ubufakazi bomuntu sec. |
YHE110320 | I-spermatozoon ye-Human smear. |
YHE110340 | Isigaba se-Prostate of Human. |
YHE110360 | I-Glandula vesiculosa of Human sec. |
YHE120010 | Isigaba se-eyeball sagittal (nge-optic nerve) |
YHE120060 | Indlebe yangaphakathi(Guinea pig)sec. |
YHE120090 | Isikhumba Sehhashi(enezinwele) sec. |
YHE120120 | I-apex of Tongue isekhondi.(Ulimi LS) |
YHE120150 | Isikhumba Somuntu(show sweat sweat) sec. |
YHE120200 | Umunwe(unyawo) lwe-Human TS |
YHE120230 | I-Mast cell WM |
YHE120240 | Paneth cell WM |
A: Imininingwane yemininingwane yemikhiqizo
Amaslayidi alungiselelwe i-histology asetshenziselwa amakolishi, Lena imikhiqizo emihle kakhulu yocwaningo lwesayensi, ukufundisa, inhlolovo yezinsiza.Ingathuthukisa intshisekelo yokufunda yabafundi futhi isize ukufundisa kothisha kalula.
B: Ulwazi lwemikhiqizo
Amaslayidi alungiselelwe izinhlobo ezingaphezu kuka-8000, izinhlobo ezihlanganisa: I-Botany, Zoology, Histology, Parasitology, oral pathology, human pathology, Human Pathology, Embryology, Cell biology & Genetics, Microbiology nokunye.
Usayizi:76.2×25.4×1-1.2mm(3”x1”) ubude/ububanzi/ubukhulu
C: Inzuzo Yemikhiqizo
Njengoba ilungiswe ngesandla ngochwepheshe, ama-specimens asikwa ngokucophelela, adayiwe, futhi ahlelwa kusilayidi ukuze uthole ukubuka okuhle.i-slide yasikwa ngobuqili ngaphandle kwanoma yiluphi uphawu, ukuphuka noma ukuminyanisa.Akukho ukucekelwa phansi kwezicubu noma amaseli.Ukusabalala kwezicubu kunemingcele ecacile;bahlala beyisimo sokuqala.Futhi umbala wezicubu uyabonakala futhi ucacile.
D: Inqubo yokukhiqiza imikhiqizo
Ukudaya→ Ukuphelelwa amanzi emzimbeni→ Ukushumeka→ Ukuhlukanisa→ Ukuvula→Ukomisa→Ukukhipha iwakisi→Isiqephu sokuvala→Isivivinyo→Ukomisa→Ukuhlolwa kwekhwalithi